On Nov. 7-8, 2008 the 4th AAPBS conference was held in Fudan University. More than 120 deans and professors from Asia and Pacific, American, European countries attended this conference. Among whom, there were nearly 20 deans from China management schools.
This conference lasted two days. Its thesis was the globalization of management education. This conference was divided into the theme report and the specialism one, discussed global cooperation between Asia and Pacific, global brand of management education, the best practice in Asian and Pacific Business School, international students and teachers exchange and so on. Mr. Dai Liu, Board Chairman of Shanghai Shibo Group, and Mr. OU Zhaolun, Board Chairman of CITI Bank (China) Co., Ltd, made theme reports. 80 deans of management school from Asia and Pacific region made theme reports, and communicated with honor guests about practical problem and experience during their work in Business School.
Prof. XU Zongling, Dean of Business School, Prof. OU Yangfeng, Mr. Chen Yinglin, Dean Assistant, Associate Prof. Kong Ying, Director of Business School foreign affairs, attended this conference. During the meeting, teachers actively communicated with specialist, scholars. In addition, Prof. XU Zongling, Associate Prof. Kong Ying made deep communication with other deans and delegates on subject construction, communication and cooperation between Business Schools. Prof. OU Yangfeng, Mr. Chen Yinglin, Dean Assistant, visited Fudan University Management School, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Antai College of Economics & Management, University of Shanghai For Science and Technology Economics and Management Experiment Center. The trip to Shanghai improved understanding, enlarged eyeshot, amplified the influence of Shantou University Business School.